Switch Dump and Install Guide

This guide has been made and tested using goldleaf 0.8.0, nxdumptool 1.1.9 and Gamecard Installer NX 2.0.0

Ban risk

Installing any sort of nsp's gets you banned as soon as you connect to Nintendo services. AFTER INSTALLING ANY NSP, KEEP YOUR SYSTEM PERMANENTLY OFFLINE!

EmuMMC is strongly recommended

Cause you need to keep your system offline after installing an nsp, EmuMMC is strongly recommended as with it you can still go online on sysnand while keeping your emummc permanently offline.

Remove all your wifi networks / set up 90dns on all your wifi networks

Again, in preparation for this you need to remove all your wifi networks or set up 90dns on all your wifi networks. Do this now. To set up 90dns, click here

How to update your patches

Currently supports Atmosphere 1.6.2 and firmware 17.0.0

If you're just here to update your patches, you'll need to put the patches.ini from here into the bootloader folder, replacing when asked. You may also need to replace the hekate_ipl.ini in the bootloader folder as well.

Cart install guide

Step 1: Preparations

This bit will get you the required files and programs for installing cart dumps

What you need


  1. Copy gamecard_installer.nro to the switch folder on your sd
  2. Copy your prod.keys file to your switch folder, if you ran lockpick_rcm it will likely already be in the switch folder
  3. Copy (or replace) patches.ini to the bootloader folder on your sd card
  4. Replace the hekate_ipl.ini from the bootloader folder with the one you just downloaded
    • Note: if you're not using the hekate config from the nh guide, you can add kip1patch=nosigchk (and kip1patch=noldrchk if you're on 10.0.0+) right underneath the line with fss0=x instead of replacing your ini
    • Note: you need to be booting via hekate for this to work, fusee-primary will not work
    • Note: If you copied these files while booted into the switch os itself you need to restart your switch for the changes to take effect

Step 2: The install

If you haven't read the warnings on the top of the page yet, do so now

There is quite important information about ban risk up there. Also, if you haven't removed your wifi networks/set up 90dns yet, do so now

Don't forget to boot into EmuMMC if you haven't done so already!!

  1. Open the Homebrew Menu and open Gamecard Installer NX
  2. Press X to go into settings, and turn Lower Keygen Version ON, then exit out of the options menu
  3. Select SD Card Install (or Nand Install if you're out of SD space), Then press A to confirm
  4. Wait til the app finishes installing the game, then exit to the home menu.

Take out your card and you'll find that your cart is now installed to the system. You're done!

If your game needs an update that is installed on your nand, you can continue with the Digital Dump Guide.

Digital Dump Guide

Step 1: Preparations

This bit will get you the required files and programs for installing digital dumps

What you need


  1. Copy the .nro of Goldleaf and NXdumptool to the switch folder on your sd card
  2. Place your prod.keys file into your switch folder, if you ran lockpick_rcm it will likely already be in the switch folder
  3. Copy (or replace) patches.ini to the bootloader folder on your sd card
  4. Replace the hekate_ipl.ini from the bootloader folder with the one you just downloaded
    • Note: if you're not using the hekate config from the nh guide, you can add kip1patch=nosigchk right underneath the line with fss0=x instead of replacing your ini
    • Note: you need to be booting via hekate for this to work, fusee-primary will not work
    • Note: If you copied these files while booted into the switch os itself you need to restart your switch for the changes to take effect

Step 2: The Dump

Instructions (Digital based dump)

  1. Launch into Sys CFW via hekate (or if the game you want to dump is on EmuMMC, launch EmuMMC cfw)
  2. Open the Homebrew Menu and open nxdumptool
  3. Select Dump installed SD card / eMMC content
    • Note: to dump an update for a gamecard game, press Y to access the orphan title list.
  4. Select the game you want to dump, then select Nintendo Submission Package (NSP) dump
  5. If prompted, select Dump base application NSP (Redo section if there's also an update to dump)
  6. Turn the following options on: Split output dump (FAT32 support), Remove console specific data, Generate ticket-less dump and Change NPDM RSA key/sig in Program NCA.
  7. Select Start NSP dump process
  8. After this is done, either dump your game update too, or return to the homebrew menu by pressing + (Don't forget to reboot into EmuMMC!!)

Your game dump got dumped in the /nxdumptool/nsp folder

Step 3: The Install

If you haven't read the warnings on the top of the page yet, do so now

There is quite important information about ban risk up there. Also, if you haven't removed your wifi networks/set up 90dns yet, do so now

Don't forget to reboot into EmuMMC if you haven't done so already!!

  1. Open the Homebrew Menu and open Goldleaf
  2. Select Explore content
  3. Select SD card
  4. Navigate to and select switch, then nxdumptool, then NSP. You should be here now: GLEAF1
  5. Install your BASE dump of the game by selecting the nsp with A, then selecting Install, then selecting SD card, then selecting Install again
    • If you also dumped your game update, install the update nsp the same way too
  6. After the install(s) finished installing, Press - to exit to the hbmenu or the home button to exit to the home menu.

You should now see your dump installed. You can delete or move the nsp files in /switch/nxdumptool/nsp to your pc.